Who? Zoe Kravitz
Why here? Daddy's Lenny Kravitz, Modeled for Wang. Nuff said.
"I think because of the Internet and everyone's obsession with celebrity and paparazzi and blogs and phones being hacked, we have an incredible amount of access to other people's lives. People now expect more than a performance. They expect to know what you do and what you're wearing and who you're fucking and what you ate that day and what time you took a shit... [When I was at Jennifer Lawrence's house] she was like, "Can we just stay home and watch TV all night? I can't leave my house." And I was like, "Jen, I'm not going to bullshit you. This isn't going away tomorrow.""
On her Personal Style:
"I feel like everyone thinks that everyone should look the same - clean cut. If I go to a party and my hair's messy and my shirt's ripped or whatever, it's like, 'She's a crackhead.' I'm like, 'Do I have to look like a fucking perfect Barbie doll?' The cool thing about fashion is that if you do it right, it's an art form and it's a way to express yourself."
via Nylon Mag.
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